Octopuses live in the sea and they have big eyes, and eight arms. They live in all the oceans but especially in warm, tropical waters. Octopuses, like, the squid, live in deep waters though some species live in shallowwaters. There are 300 species of octopus in the world.


Crabs, shrimp and lobster are some of the octopuses favourite foods. Some can even attack and eat sharks. 


Sealswhales and large fish can eat octopuses. When they think they are going to be catch they can throw ink to make the water dark. Octopuses can also change colour, to gray, brown, pink, blue or green, depending on their surroundings. Changing colour also helps octopuses to communicate with other octopuses. 


Octopuses usually live alone, and they can live for 1-2 years. They can be between 30 and 90 centimetres, some species can be up to 5 metres! They usually weigh 3-10 kilograms and they have three hearts, nine brains and blue blood. If an octopus loses one of its arms, it can grow it back.


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